
Rajiv Gandhi University Notification for Professor (2014)

9/29/2014 12:09:00 am
Rajiv Gandhi University invites notifications for filling of the various post of faculty. The various posts are Professor, Assistant Professor and Associate Professor . The online applications are started now and the last date for the receipt of application is on 30-10-2014.The full details of the notifications are  given below. 

Name of University                  :    Rajiv Gandhi University.

Location                                 :     Arunachal Pradesh, India.

Category   type                       :    Gov(full time job).

How to apply                          :     Application fee 400/-
                                                   Fee 100/- for(SC/ST/PWD), DD Drawn in favour of
                                                   Registrar , Rajiv Gandhi University,Rono Hills,Doimukh-791112.

Selection Process                    :     Interview

Last date to apply                   :     30-10-2014.

Qualification                           :     Professor ( Ph. D with 10 years exp)
                                                   Associate Professor( Ph.D with 8years exp)
                                                   Assistant Professor ( Master degree with 55% )

Download the application form and further details click here